M6T Spreads the Madiba Magic

M6T Adventures

Mandela Day, celebrated globally on July 18th, encourages people to dedicate 67 minutes of their time in service to others, honoring Nelson Mandela’s 67 years of public service.

This year, the M6T team chose to bring the spirit of Mandela Day to the Dr Vosloo informal settlement in Hughes, Boksburg. Home to 250-300 people, mostly unemployed and living in 130 households, this community is located near the N12. Earlier this month, our team visited and engaged with the community’s leadership committee to identify their most pressing needs. Recognizing the rising cost of food and its impact, we decided that providing food hampers would be the most meaningful way to help.

The M6T team collaborated to create individual hampers filled with essential daily items such as cooking oil, teabags, maize meal, sugar, and more.

When welcoming the M6T team on their arrival, Ms Virginia Maswanganyi (community leader) stated that, “Food insecurity was a real challenge at Dr Vosloo settlement, and they truly appreciate M6T having kept their promise. However, food parcels generally do not last long so her plea is for job opportunities for the members of their community so they may be able to feed themselves”

As M6T’s MD, Lesego Tladi, always emphasises,  “Giving back to society is our main reason for being. As an organisation, we pride ourselves in partaking in such community initiatives in line with our SHEEE CSI policy (sports, health, education and entrepreneurship) and consider it a privilege to be able to do so”

